Raise your child... positive steps to discipline the child without punishment

John Doa
John Doa

Food Blogger

Last updated on December 30, 2023, At 02:45 AM ET

Posted on December 30, 2023, At 02:45 AM ET

behavior for the better, but on the contrary, positive education experts confirm that these means of punishment only bring negative consequences for the child, making them avoid talking to their parents, or becoming constantly anxious and afraid. Therefore, education experts advised more effective methods to discipline the child rather than corporal punishment, which we will review in the following report.

Giving an opportunity to express themselves. Losing privileges.
Beating is one of the most harmful ways for a child, as it makes him feel confused and always asks himself why do my parents hit me and not the rest of my siblings. In addition, it affects their ways of thinking, so it is always recommended to give the child an opportunity to talk and express himself, and leave an opportunity to For them to learn from their mistakes so that they begin to improve their behavior and behave better. Parents also believe that beating is the best way to discipline a child, but when privileges are withdrawn, they will learn from their mistakes.

Direct punishment and rewards
When a child makes a mistake, the father resorts to direct punishment and deprives the child of something he loves, but it is necessary to alert the child that his behavior is bad, and teach him the correct action so that he does not repeat his mistake, in addition to the necessity of providing rewards when they improve the action, and this is what makes the child focus on the action. Do the right thing, and it is very important for the child to feel grateful for his good deeds.

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