Your lunch is here.. How to prepare Nawaem biscuits at home

John Doa
John Doa

Food Blogger

Last updated on December 30, 2023, At 02:40 AM ET

Posted on December 30, 2023, At 02:40 AM ET

Nawaem biscuits are considered one of the most delicious and famous pastries, which are kneaded and formed easily and quickly. They are also shaped into light baked goods, and are eaten by all family members with tea or coffee, or even milk, in the morning. So we will review the method of preparing Nawaem biscuits at home in the following lines.

Ingredients for making Nawaem biscuits:
Bring 2 cups of flour, bring 2 tablespoons of ghee, bring a tablespoon of sugar, bring a tablespoon of yeast, bring a teaspoon of baking powder, and do not forget to bring warm milk for kneading, and sugar according to your desire. Even if you prefer it with cinnamon or sesame.

How to prepare Nawaem biscuits:
In a suitable bowl, mix a quarter of a cup of milk or water, as available, with the yeast until it dissolves and leave it for a few minutes until the reaction takes place. In another bowl, mix the flour, sugar, and baking powder and stir them well. Start adding the ghee until it coats the flour, and add the yeast to them. And milk.

Add more milk if the dough is not smooth and cohesive well, and leave it to ferment for an hour. Start forming small balls. Roll out each ball and stuff it with sugar, cinnamon, or the filling you prefer, and close the ball well. Place the biscuit in a cup of milk, then put sesame on it. Leave it for half an hour in a tray and put it in a preheated oven until it takes on a golden color and serve it with your favorite drink in the morning.

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