Next annular solar eclipse, and NASA seizes the opportunity

John Doa
John Doa

Food Blogger

Last updated on December 30, 2023, At 02:35 AM ET

Posted on December 30, 2023, At 02:35 AM ET

NASA experts have confirmed that the sun will be exposed to an annular eclipse soon, pointing out that the moon is only partially blocking the sun, which creates an annular eclipse of the sun, turning it into a cosmic ring of fire that is clearly visible to anyone present on the annular path, which appears approximately 125 feet long and extends. Appearing in approximately 10 countries.

NASA experts continued that those who are on the side of the annular path or near it will see the partial eclipse of the sun star, and it will appear to them as if the moon had bitten it off, forming a wonderful view. They confirmed that there will be an eclipse that will appear this October, but it will be merely A warm-up for the sun, as the sky will then prepare for a total eclipse next April.

NASA experts added that the solar eclipse will be useful for astronomers to understand and study the outer atmosphere of the sun, which will give them a great opportunity that must be seized, at a time when the sun will be completely obscured by the moon, explaining that they will not miss that opportunity. The opportunity so that they understand what the atmosphere is

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